Legal Services

Corporate Legal Services

Corporate Laws

In today's business world, considering the varying economic cycles, ensuring that transactions are protected from a legal standpoint is of paramount importance.

We endeavour to provide end-to-end advisory on a gamut of corporate work, including providing assistance with contested transactions, disputed asset transfers, and legal

consultancy on cross border and multijurisdictional taxation implications in complex transactions. Our dedicated legal team is also well versed with drafting enforceable contracts under pursuant laws, such as joint venture agreements, sale and lease deeds, tender documents, supply and credit agreements and consortium agreements.

Regulatory Approvals

Effective interpretation forms a crucial part of understanding and adhering to applicable laws and statutes in any enterprise. However, expansive provisions and the applicability of multiple laws in similar situations makes such interpretation frought with complexities for any management team. Our legal advisors help clients in this area by adopting a multifaceted approach that remedies any bottlenecks caused while ensuring maintenance of all mandated approvals and compliance on a regular basis.

We liaison with managerial and other personnel to establish comprehensive checklists for corporate and civil compliance, in addition to managing all registrations and approvals under applicable laws at the time right from incorporation to commencement of operations in a company. Our team is known to operate in effective timelines and deliver customised consultancy solutions to clients, while lowering effort and cost across functions.