
Strategy is Destiny

Strategy design has the far reaching ability to affect future initiatives by a company. More planned than fortuitous, a good strategy maximises company strengths and resources, while being open to new avenues of growth. Competent strategic processes, are therefore necessary for a company looking to craft a successful destiny.

Strategy is finding the next "Beatles"

Strategy design has the far reaching ability to affect future initiatives by a company. More planned than fortuitous, a good strategy maximises company strengths and resources, while being open to new avenues of growth. Competent strategic processes, are therefore necessary for a company looking to craft a successful destiny.

Strategy is being where the future is

When playing soccer of hockey or tennis, the player has to swing to where the ball will go. Strategy benefits greatly from a future-back-to-present approach - envisionin the future and making it the propellor to success. Always think ahead as you strategize. Always dream big. There's a strong chance you will act on it appropriately in the steps necessary to make it happen.

Strategy is being able to beat competition in all circumstances

Competitive advantage is born out of a conjunction of experience, intuition and research. Avoiding stagnation and inculcating a spirit of consistent innovation is essential for businesses to stay ahead, and effectively tackle competition every step of the way.

Strategy is not allowing copiers to become better than creators

Germany created the automobile. Detroit perfected the art of making it available to millions. And then the Japanese took everyone's pants off in the auto business. From push pins to widgets to airplanes, copy cats will alway be able to beat creators. Creators, however, must be strategic at all times to keep pushing the innovation envelope in all circumstances. Processes are necessary to ensure new products, new services, new initiatives are being brought to fore to supersede copiers continuously.

Strategy lies in executing details to perfection

Perfection. It lies as much in the way a strategy takes cognizance of everything in the environment to detail steps that, when executed lead to perfectly delivering on the strategy. In a fast changing world, such perfection is essential to stay ahead of the curve and if it is not done correctly, will result in confused leadership and an even more confused team.